Conférences de presse et annonces

Scientific announcements from IUCN and its partner organisations will be announced at the #IUCNcongress 2016, with authors on hand for interviews. This will include:

3 September  Balancing whale conservation with oil & gas development: New report looks at successes and challenges
4  September A major update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™
5  September  IUCN report on ocean warming


Click here to see the most up to date list of scheduled press conferences.


Policy announcements and decisions on conservation and sustainable development issues are also expected, including the following:

Advancing conservation of biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction
Mitigating the impacts of oil palm expansion on biodiversity
Call for closure of domestic markets to all ivory sales
Call for greater protection of all pangolin species by upgrading status under CITES
Call to include more shark & ray species in CITES to improve conservation 
Call for end of use of lead in ammunition


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